Thank you – written by boys (teens and young adults) with juvenile diabetes following their summer 2011 retreat.
Thank you, Creator, for the people you send
Who do G-dly work, as a hand they extend
Most of their day is devoted to others,
To their fellow Jews, whom they love as brothers.
Upon them we lean, sharing our woes
But we know that from one man their kindness flows –
Now as we open the “Sweet Retreat,”
Our oft-mentioned feelings we must repeat:
We’re sweetest of all – and sweet we shall stay,
Trusting the One who made us that way.
We have no complaints and shed not a tear,
Injecting our insulin, year after year.
Our secret we tell to nary a soul
But the constant concealment does take its toll.
The heart begs to talk, yet we push it aside.
Life is sweet but hard, as we zealously hide.
We need to let go, for a while to be freed
Ezer Mizion knows just what we need
Thanks to you, Rabbi Chollak, we’ve let off some steam,
To Yeshiva we return refreshed and abeam
An outsider would never grasp what we feel
But you’re the exception, you’re simply unreal!
No one but you could truly understand
And give us what we need, with a generous hand
Please accept our thanks, from across the board
May H-shem grant you eternal reward!
Signed with deep admiration,
The boys from the “Sweet Line” – 5771