Out of the blue, without any advanced preparation, a family from Modi’in Ilit was thrust into the eye of the […]
Enabling the Giver
Aryeh is a giver. Some people say ‘My pleasure’ just to be polite. Aryeh would mean it literally. It was […]
A Battle on Two Fronts: Mali
Everyone at the Ezer Mizion Summer Retreat for Cancer Patients and their Families has a story. Last week we met […]
War on Two Fronts
Battling the horrors of the war. Living in terror, with the security of pre-Oct. 7th long gone. Loss of loved […]
What is the Meaning of Support?
The wedding hall was filled with happiness. Joyful music would soon fill the air. The family would join hands and […]
3-2-1 …Suddenly the air is filled with countless balloons soaring towards the heavens. A poignant scene that takes place every […]
Two Departments One Team
Two sets of needs. Two modes of operation. Two departments. But ONE team. One team whose only criteria, absorbed from […]
It’s For Us
The question has been asked: if G-d loves his creations so much, why did He create poor people, people with […]
Of Givers and Receivers
A patient writes to Ezer Mizion: Do you know what and who you are? Let me tell you: I am […]
When Things Shifted
Until a few months ago, they were an Ezer Mizion family. They needed. Ezer Mizion gave. And they accepted because […]