Yedid Nefesh – a project of Ezer Mizion: A telephone response to every caller coping with high-pressure situations, violence, caring for a relative with mental illness, crisis situations in the family, loneliness, depression, child-raising challenges, complex relationships, questions about teen issues, and more.
Yedid Nefesh offers callers the services of high-quality volunteers, with academic and professional experience in education and counseling fields. The volunteers are Torah-observant, culturally adapted to the caller’s lifestyle, people who can understand his unique conflicts. Callers are people who seek a listening ear, someone who will be attentive to their distress, who will understand their frustration, who will empathize, guide, and encourage them in times of difficulty and crisis. The conversations are fully confidential, anonymous, and of course, at no cost. Call Sun. to Thurs. from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.: 1-800-30-30-12