To the blessed Ezer Mizion, who surely deserve to be praised,
Their name sung and extolled, and their banner ever raised.
The ones who have set as their mission and their supreme goal
To help the ill and the needy, to comfort, aid, and console,
To nurture and offer assistance – in short, to foster the art
Of bringing joy and solace to every broken heart
To express our heartfelt gratitude, this page will not suffice,
For the dedicated work you do in this tremendous enterprise.
How you sincerely cared for Tzvi, our beloved son,
And arranged a limudei kodesh tutor, to teach him one-on-one.
Bringing us more nachat ruach, with every passing day,
Horseback riding and other therapy, to build him up in every way.
Then giving Michal your attention and generous, flowing aid –
All that’s left is for us to say “thank you”; our gratitude will never fade.
Continue to enjoy success, in all the great things you do,
From us, appreciative parents, who will never ever forget you.
Naftali and Tova W.,
(Parents of Michal, who had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and has baruch Hashem concluded treatments.)