pr mental illness flower MB900445658Elul, 5775
Dear Ezer Mizion administration,
Words cannot express my gratitude for the privilege I was granted to take part in your course for mothers of children with ASD, under the leadership of the unique and wonderful Ms. Tichyeh Posen and the exceptional professional guidance of Ms. Miriam. They contributed to us much valuable information and equipped us with practical suggestions and marvelous tools we can use in our everyday life dealing with these children.
May Hashem shower you with much blessing so that you can continue helping families facing a variety of challenges.
May you merit to give them optimal advice and assistance to help them in their struggle.
In addition, we would be thrilled (!) if you could extend the course for another few sessions so that we can discuss topics that we did not have a chance to address for lack of time. These topics are very important for us as parents.
May Hashem give you your just reward!

With appreciation and admiration,
Members of the course for mothers of ASD children
