Ashdod Bakotarot – Letters to the Editor
Thank You Ezer Mizion – People of Chessed
On several occasions, I have had the opportunity to benefit from the services of Rabbi Zevulun Baruchi shlita, director of Ezer Mizion’s transport services for rides to hospitals. Anything I could write would not portray the full dimension of my appreciation and the extent of my admiration for him and the special work that he and all the people at Ezer Mizion do.
One call about the need for a ride and Zevulun immediately rallies to the cause, doing above and beyond anything expected of him, all hours of the day. [A big pat on the back to the volunteer drivers in this Ezer Mizion’s network, too – may there be many more like you!]
One time, when I called, I mentioned that there are some parents in the hospital who are so worried about their sick children that they don’t eat a thing. And Zevulun, with his huge heart, responded immediately, and without thinking, said: “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to pamper them with the best food there is.”
And so it was. A messenger came with a tantalizing home-made meal, down to the last detail, and all this after he, with his compassionate heart, came on the scene and saw to everything that was needed. He is deserving of the highest praise!
How fortunate we are that there is an organization like Ezer Mizion and people like him among us who are always concerned for more merits for our people. With great appreciation, in the name of many families who have benefited and continue to benefit from his and Ezer Mizion’s efforts.