Orna, like all of us, would tend to think that bad things happen to other people. Then she discovered that […]
In and Out of Hospitals
I want to thank you for the wonderful chag we enjoyed thanks to you, for the absolutely perfect Seder night […]
Even the Day before Passover
(From the Yated magazine) Esther P. from Bnei Brak wishes to give honorary mention to a uniquely devoted group of […]
Thank You…Thank You…and Thank You Again
We wanted to thank you for… everything! Two years ago, my baby was born a month and a half early. […]
It’s Really Working!
Dear Mr. David, Shalom! I felt I just had to express to you how deeply impressed I am by Moshe […]
The Prick that Produced a Hero
The day Einav Lulian made her way through the frantic atmosphere of the recruitment base, waiting for her new green […]
A Typical Day at Ezer Mizion
A patient lies helpless in a hospital bed. His family surrounds him. The room is filled with tension. He has […]
The Lucky Winner
Nofer Mazal (24) a secretary at the Barzilai Hospital’s Mammography Institute in Ashkelon, was gifted with the privilege to save […]
Blood Brothers
It’s not about numbers. It’s all about people… people who are at the brink of despair, people who can’t plan […]
A Father Speaks
Tal Shitrit was eight years old. Third grade is a time for small boys to learn multiplication tables in the […]