website bmr update templateWe have crossed the 800,000 mark!
To date there are 801,620 potential stem cell donors in Ezer Mizion’s registry!

In February 2016 Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry facilitated 23 lifesaving transplants for a total of 2,069 lives saved!

13 of these transplants were sponsored by personalized Donor Pools! (see below)
bmr 2 16 w sfarim 12809628_607297446089862_6686649948260737672_nBrazil Community Donor Pool facilitates 2 transplants, for a total of 110 lives saved!
Circle of Life Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 3 lives saved!
Alan Cohen Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 63 lives saved!
David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 50 lives saved!
Hole In One Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 8 lives saved!
Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 52 lives saved!
Joe & Carmella Klein Donor Pool facilitates 2 transplants, for a total of 11 lives saved!bmr 2 16 12670916_607297356089871_2459880048130272206_n
Lewis Family Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 8 lives saved!
Moriah Community Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 1 lives saved!
Irving & Cherna Moskowitz Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 19 lives saved!
Sverner Family Donor Pool facilitates a transplant, for a total of 3 lives saved!
