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bmr 4 18
Stem cell transplant: He has saved a life!

Bone Marrow Registry Activity Summary for April 2018
19 transplants, 12 from donor pools (see below)
2,791 total transplants
902,190 members in registry

Transplants took place for patients residing in the following  countries:
Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, UK, USA

Genetic testing for transplants facilitated in April 2018  were funded by Donor Pools in the following countries:
Brazil, Israel, UK, USA

bmr 4 18 b
Stem Cell Transplant: He has saved a life!

Donor Pool Name April 2018 Transplants Total Transplants
Anonymous CF 1 13
Brazil Community 2 128
Alan Cohen 1 81
Izzy & Caryl Englander 1 4
Kermit Gitenstein 1 9
Hole In One Donor Pool 1 37
Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund 1 51
Lud Community 1 3
Alan & Nicole Samson 1 9
Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation 1 22
Daniel & Alicia Yacoby 1 2