As one who went through the nightmare, Tziporah Abramowitz (77) is more capable than anyone else to connect to the […]
Fulfilling A Dream
A man grows older. Sometimes parts of his body do not work as well as when he was young. Does […]
Holocaust Survivors in their Golden Years
Companionship. A vital need at every stage of life. And especially essential for the holocaust survivor. Rivka is a typical […]
Golden Volunteers
Five Bat Yam retirees awarded the “Golden Volunteer” medallion for 2016 for their volunteer work in […]
The Golden Age?
It’s called the Golden Age. From the vantage point of a younger person, it truly seems golden. No difficulties with […]
A Letter Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
The following was written by a trained volunteer in Ezer Mizion’s new program for the elderly designed to bring out […]
Letters Meant for You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
The following were just some of the letters received after the recent Bat Mitzvah for Holocaust Survivors. The event obviously […]
It’s Only a Game…or Is it?
Esty had absorbed the message that pervades every nook and cranny at Ezer Mizion: “What else can we do […]
I Missed Mine!
Many Holocaust survivors have built anew and are now successful heads of multi-generational families. But there in the recesses of […]
A Letter that Belongs to You, Our Dear Friends and Supporters
A Bas Mitzvah celebration is being planned at the Kosel for 100 holocaust survivors whose 12th birthday passed during the […]