pr tfillin
Bar Mitzvah celebration?

A young mother in Rechasim is battling cancer but that doesn’t stop the date of her son’s Bar Mitzvah from coming closer and closer. What the family had looked forward to for years promises to be a day of despair. Celebration? How does one celebrate when…when…? And so the days on the calendar rolled on and the Bar Mitzvah was scheduled for a Sunday in mid-April. Bar Mitzvah? One hundred people were invited but there was no joy. Both finances and mood precluded ordering any amenities including food! A bleak celebration indeed.  

Is this what the boy would remember when he looks back at his Bar Mitzvah? The plans, if we can call them that, were set until Ezer Mizion’s Linked to Life, a WhatsApp group,  came into the picture. It was only days till the Bar Mitzvah when the Rechasim and Haifa Linked to Life directors heard about the situation. With a network of hundreds, they weren’t worried. Sweet tables, festively decorated, would add a gala aura to the event. A boy is about to take on the responsibilities of a Jewish man. Happiness will permeate the drab hall. Smiles will abound. Song will burst forth.

The Rechasim and Haifa Linked to Life networks were contacted and responses poured in. The directors were not surprised.   “We knew they would! They’re people of compassion.”

Bar Mitzvah celebration while battling cancer

Nirit: I’ll prepare two trays of petit fours.

Estie: One round cake and maybe one cut cake, depending how much I get done.

Avraham: A gigantic elaborate Bar Mitzvah cake in the shape of a Torah. I need to know the boy’s name.

Nirit: My daughter will also make a tray of Jello cups.

Devorah, Haifa: I’ll prepare two cakes.

Oshrat: I’ll prepare a tray.

Bar Mitzvah celebration while battling cancer

Breuer family: Individual mousse cups.

Sara: A cake.

Rachel: A three-layer cake.

Brachie, Haifa: I’ll prepare two chocolate pies.

Brachie, Haifa: And my co-worker, Chanie, will prepare 20 cups of mousse

Haifa: I’ll bring a bowl with candies, like marshmallows and sour sticks, etc. nicely arranged.

Bar Mitzvah celebration while battling cancer

Haifa: I’ll bring rum balls, a round cake, and a big rectangular cake.

Chanie, Haifa: Peanut butter pie and a special drink with small cups.

Sharvit, Haifa: I’ll bring chocolate “salami” rolls with all different toppings: coconut, sprinkles, and so on

Levana, Haifa: I’ll bring 10 bottles of soft drink and some bottles of mineral water. They should just be well and the place should be imbued with joy!

Osnat: Ten bottles of soft drink.

sweet table 4
Bar Mitzvah celebration while battling cancer

Adina Tivon: I would like to set up the sweet table with pretty tablecloths, napkins, and disposable dishes and flatware. If you’re agreeable to this, please let me know the exact place and time.

Haifa: What other possibilities are there. Give us ideas!

Sharvit, Haifa: Maybe a fruit platter, cut up nicely.

Haifa: I’ll bring a fruit platter.

Haifa: I’ll prepare three cakes.

Vaknin, LTL Haifa: 10 bottles of soft drink.

The leaders were overjoyed and Heaven smiled down , so very proud of those who know how to give!

