Menachem Weiss, a “special” teen, reports every week to Merkaz Ha’inyanim on an angle of life that he alone can talk about

Shalom dear readers!

Last week I had a wedding in Jerusalem. Guess who got married? My most recent counselor at the Ezer Mizion Retreat for CP patients.  On the one hand, I was very happy about the wedding, because it was time he got married. On the other hand, I was very sad, because I liked him very much and we got along beautifully. He understood me perfectly and catered to all my particularities at the retreat. Above all, I felt secure with him. This year, I’m going to have to start all over with a new counselor and that always frightens me. I know I shouldn’t be frightened since the Ezer Mizion counselors are chosen for their sensitivity but I can’t help it.

But in the meantime, I got an invitation from my terrific friend Mordechai, with a personal letter inside. The invitation would have been enough but the letter made me feel like a million dollars.  I knew that I just had to take part in his wedding. My parents took me to Jerusalem and I also had my attendant come along. We got there just before the sheva berachot. We went to the food bar and ate all kinds of interesting things. The minute we finished benching, the dancing started. Mordechai, the chatan, pulled me-yes, you read that right. Me!- into the middle of the circle and danced with me alone for about ten full minutes. You might be wondering how a CP person can dance. Well, that’s the beauty of Ezer Mizion. They know that a CP person is first of all a person with same feelings and needs as anyone else. Mordechai knew that I’d love to dance even though my body can’t do it and he found ways of making me feel I was dancing. I felt on top of the world. I was part of things. Like all the other guests.   I was really happy I came. I felt deep inside that Mordechai was happy I came too.

I wish Mordechai and his wife Rachel Mazal Tov, that they should build a bayit ne’eman b’Yisrael, a true Jewish home, and that they should always be happy together.

Until next time,

Menachem Weiss
