Rockets are flying in the North. In an effort to protect its most vulnerable, the Ministry has called for the evacuation of the Rambam Hospital. It took only moments for the directive to be issued. Then came the gargantuan task of moving a seemingly unending number of patients, some by wheelchair, some in hospital beds attached to medical paraphernalia to the underground parking lot, soon to become the new temporary hospital.

The overworked staff cannot handle the move and so the telephone number that every Israeli citizen knows by heart was called, “Is Ezer Mizion able to assist?” With Ezer Mizion’s vast organizational skills and its army of 30,000 volunteers, the situation was soon magically under control. A team of 20 would arrive, followed by another and another and another. As each shift ended, another took over. Even the Ezer Mizion Refreshment Carts were seen everywhere, offering the comfort of a hot cup of coffee with a Danish or sandwich to the harried hospital staff and the distressed family members.

Mission accomplished.

The 30,000 volunteers now wait in readiness for their next assignment. For many it will be routine: taking over a shift at the bedside of a sick child, reading stories to kids battling cancer, driving an elderly man to a doctor appointment. For others it may be emergency, war-related needs. Each one will give it his all, treating each patient with caring and respect. The love they radiate is obvious, even to a young child.  Come with me and let’s listen in on a conversation in the Pediatric Oncology ward. :

While treating a young, critically ill cancer patient, a senior doctor chatted with the young girl, trying to inject a spark of hope into the heavy atmosphere pervading the room.

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” he asked.

Her face lit up. No doubt she had thought about it and made her decision long ago. The words came rushing out in excitement.

“Oh, when I grow up? When I grow up, I’m going to be an Ezer Mizion volunteer and help sick kids!!”

May Hashem send her a speedy recovery and we look forward to welcoming her as a new recruit into the Ezer Mizion Volunteer Corps.

Ezer Mizion’s volunteer corps forms the backbone of its many services and programs. The services they provide include:

  • Driving disabled and elderly people to medical appointments and other destinations
  • Preparing and distributing meals, sandwiches and snacks to families of hospitalized patients
  • Visiting sick, disabled and elderly people at home and in the hospital and offering assistance, companionship and comfort
  • Acting as one-on-one counselors for special-needs children in Ezer Mizion’s summer camps and year-round activity clubs
  • Donating blood to Ezer Mizion’s blood bank and being available to give blood at any time
  • Helping to promote health and fitness among the elderly

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