A patient writes to Ezer Mizion:

Do you know what and who you are? Let me tell you:

I am lying in Shaare Zedek hospital in bed with unexpected difficulties – I broke my hip joint and my pelvis in a serious fall.

I am all alone in the world with no family. People I do not know, come to visit me and help me pass the time in my pain, and lift my spirits.

Where in the world did you hear of such a reality of kind people who truly care, of people who see others like me, in a difficult situation, and are compassionate and take the initiative to bring visitors to entertain and cheer up patients who are in tough, painful spots.

People who don’t know anyone, are alone and lonely! Ezer Mizion! You have turned the world around for me with unfailing grace. May Hashem fulfill all your wishes for good. May you merit to walk towards Moshiach Tzikkeinu (our Redeemer) .

According to all the information we know, we are very close to the days of Moshiach.  When? I do not know… But in Gaza it seems very close. And you will be among the privileged ones, as you deserve to be there to greet him!

As much thanks that I can give you, you deserve more, and whatever can be said will never be enough.

May you be blessed now in the present and may you be blessed in the future. May your dreams and hopes come true and may you be privileged to walk at the head with Moshiach soon in our day, Amen and Amen!!! May you always go from strength to strength!

In deepest appreciation with all my heart,

On the other side of the desk are the givers. Givers who give and give until there is nothing left.

Like Reuven. Reuven was born with Cerebral Palsy. “CP won’t stop me!” was his motto. He went on to join the military and is now busy acquiring a degree. Of course, being Reuven, he also joined Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry. Recently he received the call he had been waiting for and soon found himself at the Registry, being treated like a king and donating stem cells to save the life of a little boy.

Or Menachem who responded to a call regarding an elderly man just arising from shiva (the 7 days of mourning) . He’d like to go to the cemetery to visit his late wife’s grave.

“I’ll be glad to,” Menachem responded.

“He’s two flights up in a building with no elevator.”

“I’ll be happy to help him down.”

“He’s in a wheelchair.”

“I’ll get some help and carry him in the chair.Gently. Respectfully.”

“He’s on 24 hour oxygen.”

“No problem.  I’ll stay close by and monitor the oxygen.”

“Then it’s a go?”

“Absolutely! This must be very important to him. It’s a privilege to make it happen.”

Givers and Receivers. May Hashem send His bountiful blessings to both.

Of Givers
and Receivers


patient writes to Ezer Mizion:

you know what and who you are? Let me tell you:

I am
lying in Shaare Zedek hospital in bed with unexpected difficulties – I broke my
hip joint and my pelvis in a serious fall.

I am
all alone in the world with no family. People I do not know, come to visit me
and help me pass the time in my pain, and lift my spirits.

in the world did you hear of such a reality of kind people who truly care, of
people who see others like me, in a difficult situation, and are compassionate
and take the initiative to bring visitors to entertain and cheer up patients
who are in tough, painful spots.

who don’t know anyone, are alone and lonely! Ezer Mizion! You have turned the
world around for me with unfailing grace. May Hashem fulfill all your wishes
for good. May you merit to walk towards our righteous Moshiach.

to all the information we know, we are very close to the days of
Moshiach.  When? I do not know… But in Gaza it is very close. And you
will be among the privileged ones, as you deserve to be there to greet him!

much thanks that I can give you, you deserve more, and whatever can be said
will never be enough.

you be blessed now in the present and may you be blessed in the future. May
your dreams and hopes come true and may you be privileged to walk at the head
with Moshiach soon in our day, Amen and Amen!!! May you always go from strength
to strength!

deepest appreciation with all my heart,


On the other
side of the desk ae the givers. Givers who give and give until there is nothing


Like Reuven.
Reuven was born with Cerebral Palsy. “CP won’t stop me!” was his motto. He went
on to join the military and is now busy acquiring a degree. Of course, being Reuven,
he also joined Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry. Recently he received the
call he had been waiting for and soon found himself at the Registry, being
treated like a king and donating stem cells to save the life of a little boy.


Or Menachem who responded to
a call regarding an elderly man just arising from shiva. He’d like to go to the
cemetery to visit his late wife’s grave.

“I’ll be glad to,” Menachem

“He’s two flights up in a
building with no elevator.”

“I’ll be happy to help him

“He’s in a wheelchair.”

“I’ll get some help and carry
him in the chair.”

“He’s on 24 hour oxygen.”

“No problem.  I’ll stay close by and monitor the oxygen.”

“Then it’s a go?”

“Absolutely! This must be
very important to him. It’s a privilege to make it happen.”

Givers and Receivers. May
Hashem send His bountiful brochos to both.


