Ezer Mizion’s Outstanding Worker Award Ceremony recognizing excellence in senior care took place at the Kibbutz Chafetz Chaim Hall.
In a festive ceremony, Ezer Mizion awarded prizes to the outstanding workers in its Geriatric Services and Homecare Attendants department. The moving event opened with welcoming words, speeches, and warm greetings, after which honor certificates were awarded to attendants from regions across the country who proved themselves outstanding in their dedicated work for the community’s benefit.
The first greetings were offered by Rabbi Chananya Chollak, Founder and International Chairman of Ezer Mizion, who lauded the attendants and expressed the organization’s great appreciation for their devoted work. Uri Kaminsky, Geriatric Services Administrator, said: “Every single day, you fulfill an important mitzvah. You are our strength, and each one of you excels in his/her work.”
Among those singled out for their excellence, the attendant Frieda Tzadkah stood out above the rest. She began working for the organization about 13 years ago, and since then, she has garnered praise all along the way for her dedication and patience. She will represent the organization in the national competition.