Chesed is not just when it’s convenient and comfortable.
I want to tell you what chesed is – the chesed of a large, extended family, whose long arms embrace the world, a family composed of many wonderful, shining souls – the Ezer Mizion family.
When a jeep trip was scheduled for the families of cancer patients of Oranit, right in the middle of Chanukah vacation, the jeep drivers showed up – every one. We heard one driver pick up a call on his cell phone – it was the secretary, who was sure that her boss was at home, enjoying Chanukah vacation with his grandchildren …
We can go on and talk about the entire remarkable staff here at Ezer Mizion – Rabbi Chollak, Rivky, Idit, Tzippy, Anat, Esther, Ahrele, Yomi and Yisrael, and all the many volunteers, who lovingly showered us with trips, films, workshops, presentations, petting zoos, delicious food – you name it!
And don’t think for a minute that these people are not missed by their beloved families on Chanukah – but when they are “on duty” – chesed comes first!
Yes, Ezer Mizion gave us the strength to go on despite the challenges Hashem has assigned each one of us. We thank you all, as well as the people who contributed of their time and money, so that we could lift our heads above the waves, and take a deep breath so as to keep up our fight for life.