And I said to you, “In your blood, live!”
National Blood Donation Network
December 7, 2011
Kislev 11, 5772
Ms. Chanie Taub
Ezer Mizion, Bnei Brak
Blood Donation Collections – In Appreciation
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to Ezer Mizion, with whom we have been working in collaboration for years, and of course, to all the voluntary blood donors who came to donate blood at the special drive we coordinated together on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011.
Our urgent call to you came in light of the desperate shortage in our supply of type O blood units, the result of an unusually high demand on the part of the hospitals, for treatment of two patients who needed transfusion of many blood units. Therefore, we asked you to coordinate an immediate emergency blood drive at Ezer Mizion’s Bnei Brak branch.
Within a short time, the donor drive was arranged, and in the framework of the drive, 272 (!) blood units were collected. These units helped us provide a response to the hospitals’ urgent demand for blood units and components.
A blood donation is always a life-saving act. When the blood unit supply at the hospitals dwindles dangerously, a blood donation serves as an even more noble and vital deed.
We thank Ezer Mizion as a whole for giving its sponsorship to such an important matter, which deals almost entirely with saving lives. We also want to thank you in particular for dealing with this matter with the utmost seriousness and importance, both in coordinating the donor drive on such short notice, in working to bring in so many donors to do this important act, and in standing by MDA’s blood collection staff throughout the course of the drive, with everything that it involves.
Please convey our thanks to all the donors who gave of their blood and their time on such short notice.
We look forward, now and in the future, to continued collaboration in donor drives under your auspices, with the same marvelous attitude and generous assistance.
Thank you again!
Professor Ayelet Shinar
Director of Blood Services, MDA
CC: RM”G Eli Bin – Director of MDA
TM”G Deror Richter – Director of National Blood Donation Network