coronavirusTo Our Volunteers who Have Put in Tremendous Effort to Provide what is Needed within the Restrictions of Coronavirus



In the name of the patient you serviced all around

And the one you revitalized, alone and homebound

In the name of the preemie, in his mother’s embrace

And the father, back with his children, through your good grace.


In the name of the boy who an ironed shirt wore,

And the envelope you gave to the sick and the poor,

In the name of the mental health client, whose pain you allayed

And the medicine delivered, though your strength was frayed.


In the name of a senior who ate a meal, good and hot

And the assignment you took before knowing what,

In the name of the boy at risk, saved from decline,

And the special needs child for whom you made the sun shine.


In the name of the families, who enjoy your good dishes,

Cakes, sides, and salads, plus the warmest of wishes,

In the name of all that you prepared and had planned

But when delayed by an assignment, you understand.


In the name of all of the Linked to Life stars

The general groups and the specialty cars

In the name of the pastry bakers and cooks of gourmet

That cannot be matched in the world any day


Thank you, you’re great!

Our blessing for success!

In my name and Ezer Mizion’s —

You’re simply the best!


On behalf of the group leaders and those with social service jobs,

And social workers who doubled shifts saying “No prob!”

The staff at the office and at equipment loan,

And those who offer encouragement from at home.


Because we’re here when you need us!

With you we’ll remain

We’ll do what we can

To lower your pain,

However we can,

To help and to guide

As long as it takes,

We’re here at your side.


Rivi, in the name of the Ezer Mizion Jerusalem Branch family



