We wanted to thank you for… everything!

Two years ago, my baby was born a month and a half early. I gave birth in a hospital up north. The baby was in the hospital for some time. The first day, he just needed oxygen, but then his condition declined and he was on a respirator for several days.

The staff at the hospital did not understand why the baby’s condition was not improving and they sent him for all kinds of tests. Thanks to the Ezer Mizion contact person, they agreed to hear a second opinion from someone outside the hospital. (Thank G-d, it wasn’t necessary in the end, because the situation started improving.)

While the baby was hospitalized, I desperately needed a nursing pump, and you graciously lent me one. With time, we saw that the baby was developing slowly, and we borrowed equipment from you to help advance his motor skills. This too was given to us very happily.

From time to time, we have to bring the baby to a hospital in Central Israel for a check-up, and there we are treated to a hot, nourishing lunch – thanks to you!

Thank you for everything, and again, thank you! Words cannot express our appreciation!

