pr whats app  Bas Mitzvah cakeMarch 7, 2016, 10:09 AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Dear Friends!

12 year old girl, daughter of a cancer patient, is celebrating her bat mitzvah. Truth is that her 12th birthday was several months ago. Because of her father’s serious condition, the party the family had planned was cancelled. We want to pamper her with a nice cake. Who can do a cake for tomorrow?


March 7, 2016, 10:11 AM Nechama Berent



March 7, 2016, 10:12 AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Thanks dear Nechama.


March 7, 2016, 10:12 AM, Hadas

Do you need anything else besides the cake?


March 7, 2016, 10:13 AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

I don’t think so, because we already arranged a gift for her. I’ll check.


March 7, 2016, 10:13 AM, Hadas

I’d be happy to prepare chocolate crispies – kids love it.


March 7, 2016, 10:16AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Thanks, Hadas, that would be lovely.


March 7, 2016, 10:45 AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Nechama and Hadas, would you be able to bring the goodies tomorrow early afternoon to our offices on Beit Hadefus Street?


March 7, 2016, 10:45 AM, Hadas

B’ezrat Hashem


March 7, 2016, 11:14 AM, Nechama Berent

B’ezrat Hashem. Is there anyone there at around 8:30 in the morning?


March 7, 2016, 11:15 AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Yes, our Rachel is in the office starting 8:00 a.m. Come from below and she’ll send someone to take it.


March 7, 2016, 11:17 AM, Rachel Sillman:

With pleasure!



The following morning this magnificent, home-baked bat mitzvah cake turned up at Ezer Mizion’s office for the birthday girl:




March 8, 2016, 8:48AM, Chali

Amazing!!! Kol Hakavod!!!


March 8, 2016, 8:498AM, Ahuvi Landman

Eye-opening. I was in suspense to see what would happen this time.


March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Sari Grinfeld

Wow!!! Kol Hakavod!!!


March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Rachel

Wow! Amazing!!! Kol Hakavod!!!


March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Miri Benedikt-Zeivald

Kol hakavod!


March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Margol Deri



March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Margol Deri



March 8, 2016, 8:49AM, Miri Benedikt-Zeivald

Hashem should repay you in kind!


March 8, 2016, 8:50AM, Dassy Deri Iluz



March 8, 2016, 8:50AM, Oshrat

Wow! You are really tops!


March 8, 2016, 8:50AM, Margol Deri

A masterpiece!


March 8, 2016, 8:50AM, Rivi Linked for Life, Jerusalem

Nechama, there are no words. The ultimate in chessed.

May you always merit preparing for many simchas in good health and nachat, always in joy


March 8, 2016, 8:51AM, Rachel Silman

Good for you, Nechama, you are a champ!


March 8, 2016, 8:56AM, Sara Sever

How moving!!












