Every single person who donates stem cells to save a life is special. But some are especially special. Like Shlomie. He had registered with the Ezer Mizion Bone Marrow Registry in 2018. His genetic testing had been funded by the Florida Community.

And now in 2024 he was found to be a match.  The big day was coming up. The day he had an appointment to have his stem cells transplanted into the body of a patient whose sole chance to survive is a transplant. He couldn’t have been more thrilled. He had already gone through the prep and tomorrow would be the day he had been waiting for. He planned to get to bed early in order to be well-rested. But plans, as we all know, don’t always follow the blueprint we create.    

Bedtime. His bag for the following day was packed. Just a few personal things – a favorite CD, a new book…Food he would not need. Ezer Mizion, he knew, would treat him like a king with a terrific meal and all the snacks he could imagine. He yawned. It had been a busy day and he was more than ready to stretch out in his comfortable bed for a good night’s sleep in preparation for what was to be the most wonderful day in his life. Another yawn…

Suddenly he was wide awake. His bed still beckoned but he hardly noticed as he, together with his wife and their two toddlers, grabbed the emergency bag and ran as fast as they could to the bomb shelter. The sirens were wailing. Panic was in the air. Would they make it in time? The shelter was already crowded and neighbors were still pouring in. They chose a corner, tried to settle the whimpering children as best as they could.  They tried to be brave for their babies’ sake but their insides shook with fear. 

For two hours straight, air raid sirens blasted, warning of nearby missile threats. The tension and the noise did not allow for any sleep. The minutes dragged on. Three AM, four AM. And then it was morning. The morning of the most wonderful day of his life. But a morning with no restful sleep behind it.

Should he go? Perhaps he should cancel and reschedule when the war was over? He imagined the patient and his family waking up with the sun, their hearts filled with joy and anticipation. They had prayed so hard for this day and now it had arrived. Their disappointment would be devastating.   The patient had undergone extensive preparation for the transplant. His condition was optimal. Would his condition remain that way until the war ended?

No. Sleep or no sleep, he would go. He couldn’t cancel. He just couldn’t. But his wife?  She was equally exhausted and she would have to deal with two cranky toddlers alone.

He didn’t have to wait too long for his answer. “ Go get ready. It’s almost time to leave. Don’t worry. I’ll handle things on the home front.” 

With his wife fully on board, Shlomie braved the roads, and made his way to Ezer Mizion’s Stem Cell Collection Center in central Israel. 

Several hours later, there he stands, proudly holding the little bag of life that will give a future to ‘his’ patient. Mission accomplished.  


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