In September 2014 Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry facilitated 33 lifesaving transplants; more transplants than ever in one month!
18 of these transplants were sponsored by personalized Donor Pools as reported below.
Brazil Community Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
An employee in the prime minister’s office donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the eighty seventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Brazil Community Donor Pool.
A biology student studying for his master’s degree donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the eighty eighth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Brazil Community Donor Pool.
David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the twenty first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool.
A student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the twenty second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool.
Alan Cohen Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
A CPA donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the fifty fifth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
A council member donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the fifty sixth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
A student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the seventy fifth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the sevnty sixth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul Donor Pool
A preferred employee working in a company that prepares building materials donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the fourth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul Donor Pool.
Circle of Life Donor Pool
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a girl. This is the first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Circle of Life Donor Pool.
Belle Harbor Community Donor Pool
A marketer of courses donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the eighth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Belle Harbor Community Donor Pool.
Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool
A computer technician donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the ninth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool.
Damaghi Family Donor Pool
A Rabbinal student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the ninth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Damaghi Family Donor Pool.
New Rochelle Community Donor Pool
A high tech employee donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the New Rochelle Community Donor Pool.
Dan & Gloria Schusterman Donor Pool
A student x-ray technician donated her stem cells and saved the life of a boy. This is the thirteenth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Dan & Gloria Schusterman Donor Pool.
George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool in memory of Charlotte Rohr
A party planner donated his stem cells and saved the life of a young woman. This is the thiry ninth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool in memory of Charlotte Rohr.
Toronto Celebration of Life Donor Pool
A realtor donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the seventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Toronto Celebration of Life Donor Pool.
Hole In One Donor Pool
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Hole In One Donor Pool.