Does emotional well-being have any impact on long term recovery?

Norman Cousins, father of famed author, Sarah Shapiro, had been afflicted with a life-threatening disease and given a short time to live. Not one to give up so easily, he tried something not known in his time: smile therapy. He researched the biochemistry of emotions and engaged in activities and reading that would bring smiles and laughter. What he discovered is now well documented in the medical world.

Ezer Mizion cannot cure the disease but armed with a basket of happiness, the organization aims to create oases of joy for those living under the horrific black cloud of despair. For the family, these programs provide the strength to go on. For the patient, there is an additional benefit: enabling the spirit to become a powerful partner in the healing process. 

Like Daniel. Daniel’s family got to know Ezer Mizion at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, where they received hot meals delivered to Daniel’s room daily. They enjoyed the cakes, drinks and sandwiches distributed by Ezer Mizion’s free refreshment carts. Thursday night cholent (traditionally a stew served on the Sabbath) . The roving zemiros (Sabbath songs) troupe. For Daniel himself, there was an array of choices to bring out that smile that sometimes got lost in a sea of pain and fear. Maor Cohen with his Lego sets, In the mood for music, he could join the band at Oranit. A helicopter ride at the summer camp.   The list goes on and on.

Recuperating from an accident, his life had been hanging by a thread. Miraculously, he was stabilized but he had a long haul of difficult therapy and surgeries ahead of him. The team at the rehab decided it was time for a break…a furlough from pain. “What would you like to do on your break,’ they asked him.  His old loves, biking, sports,   were out of the question. But Daniel had another love, a more sedate one. The beach! The smell of the ocean the roar of the waves, the warmth of the sun and the vast sky to remind him just Who was in charge.  His face softened. A cheerful grin made its way out of its deep hiding place, telling the staff just how much this trip meant to him.

In moments, Ezer Mizion was contacted. Ever so gently, the trained ambulance driver drove him to a nearby beach, transporting him to another world. Every moment created vitamins to empower him for the rough road ahead. And then it was over. Entering the confines of his hospital room, the smile still remained. Memories of a wonderful day and promises of more to come. With the help of Ezer Mizion. With the help of each one of you who has contributed so generously to help a suffering Jew.
