It’s all hands on deck in the battle of the current world wide war on the coronavirus. Ezer Mizion, known for its International Jewish Bone Marrow Registry, is focusing the energies of all of its numerous departments into dealing with countless crises brought about by the virus. We spoke with Dassy in Israel who is at the epicenter of it all.
Emails, phone calls. It didn’t stop. All day. Every moment. At long last the day was officially over. But who could go home when so many people desperately needed help! And so the day/night continued. A father was hospitalized with Corona. Efforts – so much effort! –had been made by Ezer Mizion to have the mother tested in her home. But they failed and the mother had to leave her home to be tested. Now the Dept. of Social Services is on the line again. What to do with the six kids, the youngest only two? Can Ezer Mizion help? Protective equipment had to be procured for a family member to stay with the kids who were themselves under quarantine. None was available in the area. Many, many phone calls later, the equipment was procured and delivered to be used until the mother arrived home. Arrive? How? How would she get home? Health Department, MDA regional doctor all busy with other corona crises. Calling, calling, calling. Until an MDA administrator was able to take the case, equip an ambulance, cleanse according to protocol and finally bring the mother home to her terrified brood. The thanks received from the family, local authorities and especially the social services department was indescribable! Now the family awaits the results with trepidation we cannot imagine.
The entire Ezer Mizion network is on high alert. New volunteers have been recruited and dozens of drivers have been put rapid response mode.
Service coordinators are directly connected to the municipal service hotline to ensure streamlined implementation. Special thanks to the dedicated regional coordinators who worked around the clock to handle all the details and referred them for immediate application, so that the system could work as needed, in synchronization with Ezer Mizion’s top technology.
It is the middle of the night after an exhausting day that has been aggravated by the unknown (Will there be a shutdown, curfew? What other restrictions will be imposed? When? How will that affect our daily living, food chain supply, income and finances, personal and family health? How will we manage?). The hour is late by any standard. Ezer Mizion Mental Health service staff can go home now. They have completed another mission. They just provided an hour and a half of intensive remote assistance for a serious case in a Northern Israel city.
It’s about a family with young children where the father is hospitalized in moderate condition with Coronavirus. The entire family is in isolation. No one is permitted to go in to the house to help them… The mother has entered a state of severe emotional stress that could be a precursor to a nervous breakdown.
In the course of a long talk, during which Ezer Mizion staff brought the best therapists into the picture by phone, and in collaboration with Magen David Adom who provided medication, Ezer Mizion accomplished the unbelievable, calming the mother and avoiding her hospitalization, which would have plunged the already devastated family into total chaos and collapse.
The regional Ezer Mizion services have been involved and will be providing support in accordance with Ministry of Health directives, walking the family through this trying period.
Dassy emotionally concludes, “As many times as I see it… the countless and varied departments …all working together …Ezer Mizion’s service embrace amazes me each time anew.”