Coronavirus – its tentacles have entered every area of our lives. Schools, shuls, work, stores…all closed. Weddings planned in detail for months are held in primitive standards with few attendees. And then there are the sick. A young mother with leukemia has been waiting in hope and prayer for a genetic match to be found so that she may receive the stem cell transplant that will save her life. At long last, one was found! He has an appointment at the hospital to donate his stem cells. Her life will be saved. Will it happen?
Ezer Mizon operates one of the few stem cell collection centers in the world located outside of a hospital setting. Ezer Mizion has accepted this significant undertaking in order to ensure that patients in need of stem cell transplants that these hospitals provide can receive this lifesaving treatment. We are proud to be part of another Covid-19 collaborative, working together in these trying times with other entities to ensure the success of our shared lifesaving mission.
All of Ezer Mizion’s varied departments have rallied to the cause. Linked to Life, a network which organizes rides and transportation of vital needs worldwide, has been greatly involved. Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health Division provides aid and support throughout the year to mental health patients and their families. This aid is vital to enable them to maintain a normal life routine, especially at this time of instability.
A request went out to a group in Bnai Brak on Wednesday at 10:06 PM:
We need your help to get out a small aid kit to the patients to ease these difficult days for them. We cannot provide them with a cure, but we can and must make life easier and more manageable for them. Task: To take envelopes with kits for distribution to families of mental health patients in Bnei Brak — 250 be put down outside the door. The information and details of the family written on the envelope are confidential. Who can help with the distribution?
[Mar. 18, 10:08 p.m.] Response from dispatcher:
Listen to me and listen well. You never in your life saw such a thing…More than 200 addresses were taken by you angels of two minutes. May we merit a yeshuah very very soon!
I have tears in my eyes. I’m sure you do, too! May Hashem pay you your just reward!