The massacre is over, hopefully never to be repeated. But the ramifications to the victims and their families continue.   An IDF soldier who was injured by an enemy anti-tank shell, was serious wounded in several parts of his body including his face.  He is currently intubated and his jaw has been wired shut for at least one month. Try to imagine. A young person, only a few short weeks ago was casually eating a lunch of pizza and fries, engaged in small talk with his friends. And now? Now with his face wired for a minimum of a month,   he is fed via a tube in his nose and unable to utter a syllable. No casual conversation, not even a request for a blanket or a question for his doctor. Not even all the things he desperately wants to say to his mother, the things he never said when life was ordinary and secure. Ezer Mizion cannot rewrite history but we can help him communicate. Ezer Mizion’s Augmentative and Alternative Communications Department, that lends out sophisticated communication solutions free of charge, has lent him a communications iPad with the apps (some of them developed by the Ezer Mizion AAC team) that he needs in order to be able to communicate with his family, surroundings and the medical team. Yesterday he was able to communicate with his mother for the first time since his injury.

War in Israel: One of the many AAC devices loaned by Ezer Mizion

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Itamar and Oriah, sister and brother from Netivot, were seriously injured on the first day of the war by a rocket and were both in serious condition. After several operations and treatment, they are slowly recovering. They asked to be taken for a blessing from Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, and to the kotel to thank Hashem for the miracles they experienced and to pray for complete recovery. Complicated logistics notwithstanding, Ezer Mizion was happy to comply. Their visit with Rav Yitzchok Yosef culminated in the gift of a Tehillim (Psalms) inscribed personally with warmest wishes for a Refuah Shleimah (Complete Recovery). They were given a tour of the tunnels and davened Mincha (Afternoon Services) with the Chief Rabbi of the Kosel, Rabbi Shmuel Rabiniowitz. In true Ezer Mizion tradition, the day didn’t end there but continued on with a bit of pampering for the two victims who were undergoing such horrific trauma. Dinner at the Waldorf! Top ‘medication’ for the spirit as it partners with the body towards eventual complete recovery.

War in Israel: Praying at the Kosel

 Six brothers enlisted on various fronts to protect the country and save lives. The seventh, not to be left out, enlisted in an entirely different type of life-saving front…the Ezer Mizion International Jewish Bone Marrow Registry. The only known genetic match in the world for the patient, he donated bone marrow to save the life of a one-year-old baby. Because of his efforts, this tiny child will grow and mature, marry and produce children of his own…generations…eternity.

War in Israel: He enlisted to donate bone marrow to save a baby’s life

To donate, click here
