Hip, hip hooray. It’s Policeman’s Day today! Campers at Ezer Mizion’s Summer Camps for Cancer Patients and their Families woke up one morning with big grins on their faces. What fun! A full day of playing policeman! Fathers were thrilled to watch their sons get a ride on a police motorcypr cancer support summer camp 2013 Policeman Daycle from the National Commander Unit. The only fly in the ointment is that they weren’t offered one themselves. The Cavalry Unit arrived on the scene and little boys dreamed their dreams while sitting on top of a real police horse. Fathers cheered them on while mothers trembled as they  grinned at their sons’ joy. The customs sniffing dogs joined the party, explaining what they do (well, their masters did most of the explaining…). The older kids were fascinated by the Forensic Unit and practiced some detective work of their own. Crowds of parents and kids gathered around the Detective Unit, the Shore Sabotage Unit and the Galil Carmel Rescue Unit for some  ‘behind the scenes’  demos. Even the firefighters from western Galil were there in friendly competition with their police counterparts.  And for an aerial view of this delightful day of smiles, the Police Helicopter arrived in its full glory. pr cancer support camp 2013

 Every day at camp is jam-packed with fun, fun, fun! A balloon performance in the morning, parachuting in the afternoon, non-stop bliss for our heroes in battle.   Each year the camp provides a ‘vacation from cancer’ for those whose every moment is colored in gloom. They bring their families and are able to experience normal family fun that most of us take for granted. As is well known medically, a healthy spirit provides the strongest partner for the body in fighting illness. Throughout the year, Ezer Mizion’s Donald Berman Rehabilitation Center for Cancer Patients hosts trips, holiday parties, fun days and retreats to strengthen our heroes as they fight for  life.

 pr cancer support camper 2013Thanks go to the Chief of Netanya Police, Chief Superintendent Ilan Harush, to First Sergeant Adi Abramowitz, Police and Community division coordinator, and to all the police officers who contributed their part to the day’s tremendous success!

