Thank You from Mothers of Children with Mental Health Issues to their Support Group Leader
Dear Rivka, Ezer Mizion, and all those involved,
The time we spend together is such a warm, pleasant experience,
A weekly oasis, a breath of fresh air,
A station where we can fuel up with energy,
An opportunity to fill our lagging engines with love and tranquility,
A place that has an answer to our every question.
Have we been divinely fated to scale an impossibly steep mountain –
Or perhaps we can smooth out the trail and turn it into a challenge?
Is our family “second-rate merchandise”
Or are we growing together to great heights?
Can we make things easier for our children – and if so, then how –
By lending them our ego?
Shall we choose to take everything to heart and feel miserable?
Or should we rather take heart that through them, our own character is being built?
Should we opt to become upset,
Or should we remain ready and set
To understand, to sweeten the bitterness,
To touch their inner selves, to be there with them
Here we have learned
To find the “gift” in each situation,
To develop a new, constructive way of thinking,
To strengthen ourselves with trust and faith.
You have filled our baskets
With healing herbs, with ideas,
Giving us the strength to go on.
May Hashem give you and all those who work selflessly at your side, your deserved reward, and may you be doubly Divinely blessed!
With our deepest gratitude: