Alone it was impossible but together…together nothing is impossible.
Ezer Mizion’s Linked to Life, a WhatsApp group with many branches and hundreds in each branch, has proven this time and time again. One person needs. Another has an idea. A third has the means to make some headway and a fourth can complete it. Like the tickets story.

A twenty year old disabled woman underwent difficult surgery with a lengthy rehab. Life hasn’t been easy for her. She needed a pick-me-up. She dreamed of attending a major event being held in a few days. But attendance needed tickets and tickets were impossible to obtain.
Did I say impossible? Under normal circumstances, it could never happen. But when we all work together, even the impossible becomes a reality. And so Rivi, the Yerushalayim Linked to Life coordinator, put out a request:
Rivi: I know tickets are reserved for VIP’s and sold out long ago. Can anything be done or is this just a pipe dream?
Yossie: “How many tickets are needed?”
Rivi: “Two. For the girl and her father”
Chaya: “It’ll be easier to get tickets for the general rehearsal; there are two, one today and one tomorrow”
Rivi: “I already checked. No tickets left for general rehearsal.”
David: “Who’s in charge of the event that I can speak to?”
Several more postings…
What was that about impossible? Thirteen minutes after the initial post went up, Rivi posted: “Thanks everyone. We have two tickets.”
And sometimes it’s geography that makes something impossible.

A patient in Israel urgently needs a stem cell transplant. His life is at stake and he cannot wait. A good possibility for a genetic match exists. A blood sample must be tested asap. But the donor lives in Argentina. Phones beeped and the wheels began to turn. It was not long until a small vial of blood was on a plane flying from Argentina to Israel. Now it was time for the next posting.
At 10:03 p.m., a post went live: “Urgent! We need someone who can receive a stem cell donor’s blood sample arriving from Argentina at 2:30 a.m. and deliver it from the airport to Elad. Anyone up at this hour who can do it?”
At 10:04 p.m. (!), the response came: “I’m landing at 2:40 a.m. and going to Elad.”
Exquisite timing. Incredible heavenly assistance. When we all work together?