Oranit Cancer Patient Guest Home

Cancer therapy treatments take place in hospitals on an outpatient basis, whenever possible. In Israel, several major children’s oncology units are located around the Tel Aviv area, so young cancer patients who live in other parts of the country have to travel hours every day for brief outpatient treatments. Children who have to endure the ravages of chemotherapy and radiation are further exhausted and debilitated by the hours they spend every day on the road to and from the difficult treatments.

This all changed in 1996, when Ezer Mizion, with the generous assistance of the Bracha & Motti Zisser Foundation and the Rosinger Family, opened Oranit, a home away from home for young cancer patients and their families. Located in Petach Tikvah, near Israel’s major pediatric oncology centers, it spares families from exhausting daily trips for brief treatment sessions. These families are referred to Oranit by doctors, nurses or social workers at hospitals where they are undergoing cancer therapy.

Oranit provides an escape from the world of chemotherapy and aggressive treatments into a haven of comfort, caring and cheer. In addition to the 22 spacious and comfortable suites of the Andrew and Margaret Rosinger Residential Wing , Oranit boasts a cafeteria, an auditorium, a synagogue, the beautifully landscaped Malka Lazarus playground, The Rinat Bakshi Wildlife Pavilion and an extensive program of recreational activities at the Donald Berman Rehabilitation Center . In contrast to hospitals, Oranit is a beautiful, happy place where families can relax and enjoy spending time together.

Oranit also houses the Ezer Mizion International Bone Marrow Donor Registry, the world’s largest collection of Jewish potential bone marrow donors.