Dear Ezer Mizion and the wonderful staff of hydrotherapists,
For two years, I have been suffering from severe back and leg pain, making it impossible for me to walk. As my pain increased, my emotional state went down. I tried a whole range of treatments – acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractics, and more – until I heard about Ezer Mizion’s hydrotherapy pool.
I said to myself, “Try it! Despite your despair and lack of hope – what do you have to lose?”
So I came. I had the good fortune to receive the devoted care of Ms. Revital at the Hydrotherapy Pool. The first thing that struck me was the smile, the genuine interest in listening and helping. Her warm demeanor, dedication and vast knowledge contributed a great deal to my physical and emotional health.
And sure enough, after just a few sessions, there was marked improvement. There is still a long way ahead, but my hope was rekindled. When I see the staff’s dedication and skill, I thank Hashem for bringing me here and ask for His continued help.
I want to say thank you, thank you to the marvelous staff: Starting from the top – the marvelous Chollak family, and on to the wonderful Ms. Malka Zelushinsky.
By the way, I myself am a Holocaust survivor, who was in the German camps from the age of a few months to age 4 – a fact which certainly has its ramifications on my long-term physical and emotional health – and therefore, my appreciation is even deeper.
With deepest appreciation and friendship,
Chaviva S.