“As those who are involved in chessed, the world exists in your merit,” so said Maran Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Aharon Y. L. Steinman shlit”a to the guests at a gala dinner at the Tel Aviv Hilton to benefit Ezer Mizion, one of Israel’s largest chessed organizations.
Headed by Rabbi Chananya Chollak, Ezer Mizion does tremendous work, providing families dealing with a spectrum of health challenges with assistance and relief and enveloping them in a comprehensive network of medical and support services.
The dinner program included a moving surprise encounter that took place between a stem cell donor and the patient whose life he saved. The donor-patient match was made by Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry that works with transplant centers in over 40 countries.
The person who stepped up to the podium at the dinner spoke emotionally of how he was struck with cancer several times, and his life was saved by a bone marrow donation through the Bone Marrow Registry founded by Ezer Mizion, the largest Jewish Registry in the world. The donation, he said, came from an anonymous donor, whom he never met.
Suddenly, a figure stood up in the audience. It was the donor himself.
A thrill of excitement rippled through the audience, and their eyes welled with tears at the emotional scene as they watched the donor and his recipient embracing warmly for long moments.
The recipient tried to speak, but he choked on his tears. All he could say, again and again, was “Thank you so much, you saved my life – thanks to Ezer Mizion.”