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Our House is Full of Boxes
“Can I come over?” Moishy asked me at recess. “Our house is full of boxes…”. How long could I use […]
Families. They’re there for each other, sharing the good times, sharing the bad times. The family unit grows. By birth, […]
When Mommy Is Sick
Out of the blue, without any advanced preparation, a family from Modi’in Ilit was thrust into the eye of the […]
On the Way to a Happy Ending
It happened three months ago but his parents will never forget. the horrendous terror that engulfed their very souls. Moments […]
The Gift of Self Respect for a Golden-Ager
He fought. He fought well. He was strong and energetic, fueled by love for Israel. It was what was later […]
What is the Meaning of Support?
The wedding hall was filled with happiness. Joyful music would soon fill the air. The family would join hands and […]