pr mental illness flowers 1542_ne_photo_stories1_98b2aShalom!

I just wanted to express in writing my deep admiration of the amazing woman on your Ezer Mizion Advocacy Unit staff named Tovi.

Today was the day of my appeal for eligibility for a stipend for my disabled son. I was so nervous. Everything depended on the outcome of this appeal.

Like an angel from Heaven, Tovi’s  number appeared on my cell phone screen. She called to prepare me and to give me the emotional support that I needed to present my case well.  The instructions she gave me proved to be extremely  effective!!!

First of all, just the knowledge that someone is thinking of you precisely on this critical day gave me such a good feeling. Her patience with me was absolutely remarkable. A few minutes into the conversation, my battery ran out and we were disconnected. Before I could even look up her number, she had called me back. Then it happened again. She had already given me the facts that she needed to give over but she called me back again (!) because she saw I wasn’t emotionally secure yet. Whenever I would go to the Ezer Mizion office I would see how busy everyone was. I marveled at her calling me back again and again just to make me feel good. That’s when I realized that she and the other members of the staff were very busy. They were busy helping people like me! Me- just an ordinary housewife- I was the focus of her attention.   Even though our conversation was cut off several times because my battery ran out, she called again and again until I emerged calm, tranquil, and confident.

I simply cannot find the words to sufficiently express the magnitude of her contribution towards the success of the appeal committee session and the shortening of the time we’d have to spend there – it was all over in a matter of minutes… too bad I didn’t set a timer!

She explained to us clearly what documents to present first and what is most important for the doctor to see. She guided us on how to stress the most important details in each document, and it really helped. The doctor reviewed the documents in seconds and was duly impressed, and that was it! He said that we are eligible for the maximum sum and did not even give us a chance to take out the rest of the documents or to say anything further (or, more accurately… to begin saying anything!!)

In short, all I can do is bless her and wish her that she should enjoy all good things in this world. And to you, I say – you are very lucky to have a staff member with such a big heart and such boundless patience as to stay with me on the line for a full 30 minutes (including a few disconnections that were not her fault, but rather the fault of my battery…) and not to hang up until she confirmed that I was fully prepared for the committee meeting!

May there be many like her among our people!

And may there be many like you – Ezer Mizion!

How fortunate are we that this is our nation and these are our Jewish brethren!!!!

With a prayer for your continued success,

And with profound admiration and appreciation,

Dudi’s Mom
