The following was sent from one of the parents of a special needs child
To Ezer Mizion !
Words cannot express our appreciation
For the wonderful sessions,
For this marvelous initiative!
Week after week,
Our loyal emissaries –
The very special women – Ms. Tichyeh Posen and Ms. Miriam Zarfaty tichyeh
Imbued us with strength,
Gave us tools and advice,
And a ton of energy
To cope with the complex problems we face.
Their ear – was a listening ear
Their heart, a feeling heart,
Encouraging and bolstering.
Any thanks we give will be inadequate.
And so, as we close this season,
We want to make just one request:
Please continue the sessions
For the public benefit…!
May Hashem reward you!
With our appreciation, gratitude, and heartfelt request!