website bmr update templateIn October 2016 Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Registry facilitated 20 lifesaving transplants for a total of 2,288 lives saved!

Of these, 10 were made possible by funding from personalized donor pools.

Here are the sponsors who saved lives this month, and the total number of transplants done by their donor pool.

bmr 10 16 aBrazil Community Donor Pool – 115 lives saved!
Alan Cohen
Donor Pool – 72 lives saved!
Donor Pool – 2 lives saved!
Hole In One
Donor Pool – 15 lives saved! – 3 THIS MONTH
Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund
Donor Pool – 44 lives saved!
bmr 10 16 bbmr 10 16 cGil Marks
Donor Pool – 1 life saved!
Maslavi Family
Donor Pool in memory of Jacob Maslavi – 2 lives saved!
Philip & Hedyeh Shaoul
Donor Pool – 6 lives saved!
