website bmr update template



29 lifesaving transplants
16 from personalized donor pools
2,635 total transplants
875,481 members in registry

Below are the donor pools that saved lives this month, and their total transplants.

bmr 10 17Salomón & Sandra Aizenman Donor Pool – 1 life saved

Bnei Oz Donor Pool – 1 life saved

  1. H. Dimri Donor Pool – 1 life saved

Family of Anne & Isidore Falk Donor Pool – 9 lives saved

David & Sara Farajun Donor Pool – 91 lives saved – 2 this month

Fund Family Donor Pool – 9 lives saved

Don Marcos & Sra. Adina Katz Donor Pool – 67 lives saved – 2 this month

bmr 10 17 bNitzan Community Donor Pool – 2 lives saved

Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool – 29 lives saved

Israel & Edith Pollak Donor Pool – 14 lives saved

Alan & Nicole Samson Donor Pool – 8 lives saved

  1. bmr 10 17 cDavid & Cheryl Scharf Donor Pool – 2 lives saved

Avi & Meira Schnur Donor Pool – 4 lives saved

Suburban Torah Synagogue, Livingston NJ Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
