Menachem Weiss, a “special” teen, reports weekly to Merkaz Ha’inyanim on an angle of life that he alone can talk about


Hi, it’s me. Menachem Weiss. I’m the teen with CP. I hate describing myself like that. Actually I’m a fun-loving guy who takes life seriously but also knows how to have a great time. And I happen to have CP. But the truth is the CP really does color my life a real lot and, anyways, you wouldn’t remember who I am unless I remipr spec cp summer retreat 2013nd you about the CP. So lets start all over…  Hi, it’s me. Menachem Weiss, the one with the CP.  

Ezer Mizion has a great program for people like me. It includes a summer retreat. I wasn’t sure if  I wanted to go this year since my counselor had recently got married and wouldn’t be there. Ezer Mizion understood me and asked Moishy, my new counselor, to touch base with me. We clicked right from the start.  On Thursday morning, he came to my house, so that we could travel together to the meeting point. He received all the instructions about me in my presence and that gave me a feeling of security. We traveled together to Petach Tikvah, where the buses were already waiting. Like last year, there were special buses with a ramp, so I was able to remain in my wheelchair without getting moved around too much.

You would think that the counselors would want to sit together and gab but it’s not like that at Ezer Mizion. Moishy sat right next to me.  That gave me a great feeling.

The first day was terrific. Boating on the Karmelit tour boat. A swim in the Kineret, at the separate beach. And for desert: a surprise! Reb Chaim David Perchik, a terrific singer was there with his band. There was lots of joy and dancing until late at night.-Sure I can dance! There’s lots of ways for a CP guy to dance when the music is fantastic and the counselor is really caring- and creative! We went to sleep exhausted but really happy.

Friday was the Menarah Cliff. We got on the cable car and saw a breathtaking view from above. After the cable car ride, we got on some kind of a boat that goes up, turns around in all directions, and enters a small cave. I don’t get to go to too many places ‘cause of my CP.  This was absolutely amazing; I loved every minute.

Next, we went back to Chispin to get ready for Shabbat. Even before Shabbat began, we sat on the grass and sang Shabbat songs. It was hard to believe that I was part of all this! Learning, singing, stories, delicious food, friends, togetherness, joy. I couldn’t have been happier. I won’t tell you what time we finally went to bed. 

One thing about Ezer Mizion—they know just how to make people like me feel good. They’ve got just the right touch.

Until next time,

Menachem Weiss

