Ezer Mizion’s third annual “Hole-in-One” golf outing in Caesarea’s Pete Dye championship course, hosted golfers from Israel and all over the world.
Golfers spent a fabulous day on the green in support of Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
Spouses and non-golfers enjoyed a day of pampering at the nearby Dan Caesarea Hotel spa.
Dinner followed both events at the Dan Caesarea where guests enjoyed a moving program and golfers were awarded trophies and valuable prizes.
First Place
John BenPorath, Sruli BenPorath, Saul Katzman, Danny Weiss
Second Place
Roger Gladstone, Joey Folkman, Jon Surasky, Eric Mich
Third Place
Ron Saar, Jackie Muckmel, Ivri Dranger, Joshua Shpunder
Closest to the pin – Roger Gladstone
Longest drive – Michael Ellis
Longest drive runner up – Marc Tobin
Longest Drive Women – Renee Levi
Thank you to our sponsors!