pr lk 2013 Laboz homeThe magnificent home of Adele and Jody Laboz in Deal, NJ was the site of a happening on July 11. Over 2000 women converged in support of Lottie’s Kitchen in Israel which provides meals for families dealing with serious illness.

Professional food demonstrations were presented by the foremost leaders in the world of cuisine such as Susan Shweky, Alice Adjmi, Geila Hocherman, renowned author of Kosher Revolution, the New Thinking about Kosher Cuisine, Florence Douek Chera,  founder of pr LK, Victoria Dwek and Leah Shapiro, celebrated authors of the Made Easy Cookbook series, Tammy Carmona Polatsek, well-known event designer for The Breaking Dawn and 2009 Oscars, and  the famed Joy Pierson & Chef Jorge PInede of Candle Cafe

Many were fortunate to have been able to purchase delectable homemade baked goods from Lottie’s Kitchen Bakery, Lottie’s Kitchen Boutique boasted the latest in kitchen gadgetry. Lines were long to purchase a chance at the Chinese Auction for such fantastic prizes as the Staycation Package or the Kids Bonanza. Many came early to be sure of being pr lk 2013 1655_ne_photo_stories4_d8b7dable to obtain a portrait of their children by the ever-popular  Susan Menashe. Hundreds  lingered till the last moments, finding it difficult to leave the scene of the summer dream day at Deal.

