Perhaps it was the name they shared-stem cells and cell phones. Perhaps it was a sudden rush of love for his young daughter whose life had been in danger just a few short years ago. Perhaps it was his good character enabling him to retain a feeling of gratitude, even years later, combined with a strong desire to pay back. Perhaps it was all three which gave Yuval Kadosh the idea of using discarded cell phones to help other cancer patients .
Yuval is the father of Amit, a young girl who charmed the hospital staff as she fought and won her battle against cancer. Chemo had not been working. She had one last chance: a bone marrow transplant. Amit was one of the fortunate ones. A genetic match was found and the transplant was successful.
Many cancer patients are not as fortunate and it is essential that Ezer Mizion, the largest Jewish registry in the world, be further enlarged so that each request can be met before it’s too late.
Money should not be a factor when it comes to saving lives but, unfortunately, it is. Too many requests are returned with the words: No Match Found, a virtual death sentence. Genetic testing is highly expensive and funds are urgently needed to expand the registry.
Yuval has recently launched a campaign collecting out-of-use cell phones from
the public for recycling. Funds raised will sponsor lab testing for new members
who join the Registry.
There are some 7 million such phones in Israel, lending the project great potential to help the Registry save lives, with an added benefit of protecting the environment. The project was already started in the Kfar Saba school system and several major business complexes, and is constantly expanding.
To view pictures of children posing with the donors who saved their lives :
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