Have you heard them? They’re all over the country from Boston to Los Angeles and in every Jewish community in between. They’re our girls. Educated in Bais Yaakovs and anxious to translate their hashkafos (values) into practical action.  They heard about the people helped by Ezer Mizion. They heard with their hearts and want to help. (The fantastic prizes, raffles, trips go a long way, too.)

 And so there they go, traipsing the neighborhood, working the phones, over three thousand of them. “Would you like to buy a ticket…?“ They’re sweet. They’re sincere. And they’re very successful. The orders have been pouring in. An army of temporary employees have been hired to keep up with our daughters. Some employees have even been working evenings to process the orders and we still can’t keep pace.

Some girls are as young as eight years old but they have energy. Their young innocence is portrayed in the occasional names on orders: Bubby (Grandma) Cohen…Tante (Auntie) Rivky…Their spelling may be a bit lacking but their enthusiasm more than makes up for it.

Some of them get quite creative in raising funds. Huvie raised over $1,100 in a bake sale. Chayale sold Chanukah cupcakes and raised $500.

The electricity in the air spreads to the whole family and they all watch as the numbers grow higher and higher. Racheli, a third-grader and one of our youngest, raised over $800. (Her younger sister contributed $8 of her savings to her big sister’s campaign. Looks like we will soon be welcoming the younger sister into the Ezer Mizion family.) Leah was $25 short of her goal of $1500 and her younger brother generously contributed the $25 from his Chanukah gelt (gifts) .

Our children are too young to fully comprehend what they have accomplished but there are many families out there who, unfortunately, know only too well what these funds will achieve.  There are young mothers whose only chance to live and bring up their pitzelach (small children) is a bone marrow transplant. And there are little pitzelach themselves who may never have a chance to grow up. The transplant is their last chance. If the family has no match, they turn to Ezer Mizion. And if Ezer Mizion, the largest Jewish registry worldwide with over one million potential donors already tested and waiting, has no match…then what? 

Genetic testing of donors is highly expensive but enlarging the registry is a vital need. So is helping the family in so many ways as they traverse the nightmare created by a monster named Cancer. And so are the many facets of assistance during this trying period after October 7th . Ezer Mizion’s ‘hand’ reaches far, providing services for the cancer patient, the elderly, the special child, the mentally challenged and more.

These young girls have accomplished worlds, so much more than they themselves can fathom. But we, the adults, understand. And we are so very proud of them. Thank you, all the Mommies out there,   for encouraging your daughters and for allowing them to devote themselves to the campaign. May you always merit to be on the giving end.  
