Ezer Mizion is there whenever there is a need

When she was in Auschwitz, Malka did not believe there would be any future for her. Yet here she is now at the age of 101 (!) with children grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-greats. She is so grateful for what she has but she wants more. More family time. More nachas. She hasn’t seen her family for months And so she opted to take the covid vaccine. But taking the vaccine was easier said than done. How will she get to the HMO where it is given? It didn’t take long for her to remember the number that everyone in Israel knows by heart and call Ezer Mizion to discuss her plight. “Of course,’ came the cheery reply. “Ezer Mizion Ambulance Service will set up an appointment for you. They will carry you downstairs in a wheelchair if need be, help you every step of the way and then take you home again, all vaccinated, soon ready to see your family once again.  

Ezer Mizion’s many divisions seek to provide help in whatever capacity it is needed. Linked to Life is an extensive whatsapp network which provides transportation and other services throughout Israel. Let’s take a peek at a recent posting. A call has been received from ADI, an organization that serves special needs children. Due to increasing incidences of Corona and quarantines, dozens of children with special needs from their school are at home. ADI requested Ezer Mizion’s assistance in delivering craft and occupation kits that they had prepared to the homes of their students who are in quarantine. I don’t need to explain on how important this is! Therefore we are seeking drivers from Ezer Mizion Jerusalem headquarters to 30+ addresses in the following neighborhoods: Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, Pisgat Zev, Neve Yaakov, Shmuel Hanavi/Maalot Dafna, Sanhedriya, Ramat Eshkol, Geulah, Romema, Kiryat Moshe, Har Chomah, Gilo, Katamonim, Givat Shaul.

Like most Linked to Life postings, within minutes responses began and all bags were picked up and delivered to the thrilled families.

Or this one:

To my dear and amazing friends!

There are requests that bring me to tears when I write about them, and I think to myself: “Who knows this is not exactly why we are here?” Who knows if it was not just for such a case that our fantastic groups came into being?

A widow, whose daughter was killed in a terrorist attack, now has corona, and her son is in the hospital with corona, sedated and intubated. We are looking for a corona veteran, with a huge heart who knows how to do it, to visit, listen and talk to her and to see how we can help and give her a boost.

Or this one:

From Carmel Hospital in Haifa to Elad, returning a mother and son with special needs from treatment. Between 3:15 and 3:45. Who can help?

What are the odds? Statistically, nil. But with Hashgacha (Divine intervention) soon came the reply…

This one is mine! An old friend, a single girl, is finally getting married and begged me to come to her wedding. It’s so far and so difficult to manage to be polite yet socially distant for a whole evening. I was torn. I made up my mind that if an Ezer Mizion assignment comes in, I’ll go. This one has my name on it! Save it for me!
