The Maroof family, prominent NY philanthropists, had donated a much-needed ambulance to Ezer Mizion’s Transportation Division. For the elderly, the handicapped, Ezer Mizion’s Transport Division provides a vital service.  This segment of the population is in need of frequent visits for doctor appointments, therapy, dialysis but has much less in the way of mobility, general health and stamina than the general population, Its high cost precludes frequent ambulance service. So what is the recourse for a frail Holocaust survivor or fragile octogenarian?

In 1979, the Ezer Mizon Transportation Division was launched with one ambulance, professionally outfitted to suit the needs of the disabled by newly married Chananya Chollak and his wife, Leah A’H. Friends assisted with small donations and volunteered their time. The one ambulance has now grown to a fleet of 22 which, together with volunteer vehicles, provide 180,000 trips per year.

Each ambulance of the Ezer Mizion fleet is tightly scheduled to maximize the trips available for our precious seniors. The trained driver gives his all to his client with love and respect, always searching for creative ways to bring joy into their so very difficult lives . and then does it again for the next…and the next.

Sometimes, miraculously, so it seems, there is a break. A slice of unscheduled time. Time for the driver to relax? Go home early?  These dedicated drivers are not looking for that. They want to accomplish. And so the Fulfil a Wish project was created. Many, many have benefited. Sometimes it is a visit to a relative they haven’t seen in years, Or a shopping trip like the good old days. Or to once again experience the power and beauty of the ocean. Or the ultimate trip – a visit to pray and shed tears at the beloved Western Wall.

For a 93 year old holocaust survivor, it was an outing to Mini Israel. That’s where her heart lay but whenever she began to dream, her limbs reminded her of the reality and the trip remained the stuff of dreams. Until Ezer Mizion entered the picture. With the vast experience of the staff, the difficulties involved fell away and, filled with excitement like a small child, she began to plan. The Big Day arrived and the wide smile never left her face. They toured and toured and toured. A day that would tire someone half her age. But our 93 year old heroine showed no signs of weariness. The next site. The next and the next. 

When they had covered the whole park, she was not ready to end her day of bliss and shyly asked if they could also visit the Tanachi Museum. Amazed at her energy, the devoted driver agreed. She enjoyed every moment of her ultra-special day and will be smiling for days, weeks to come. . Thank you, Maroof family, for your share in making this woman’s dream come true!!!
