As the mother of a little girl with special needs, I had always heard about the afternoon clubs for special children that operated in the major cities, Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, and in my heart, I envied them. I had no idea that in my very own city of Beit Shemesh, just such an afternoon club operates under the auspices of Ezer Mizion, with the collaboration of the Beit Shemesh Municipality!
The existence of this program happened to come to my attention. When I went down to see the activity first hand, tears came to my eyes: The place was pleasant and well-kept, the workers and volunteers, professional and dedicated, and the special children – indescribably happy.
Naturally, I rushed to register my daughter for the program, and since then, we are having happy times. Every day, my special daughter enjoys a hot, nourishing meal, social activity, enrichment clubs and fun activities. Ezer Mizion even takes care of getting her home, and when she arrives at six in the evening, we have a short time to enjoy her together, and then she is ready to go off to bed.
In order not to deny this benefit to others, I call upon mothers of special children in our city to register their children for the afternoon club, especially as the cold winter approaches, when it is not easy to deal with a special child pent up for long hours inside the house. The program serves boys ages 3-9 and girls ages 3-18, and takes place in separate, homogeneous groups.
With gratitude to Ezer Mizion and the Beit Shemesh Municipality,
Beit Shemesh