Even we here at Ezer Mizion are impressed! In the months of February and March Ezer Mizion’s Bone Marrow Donor Registry facilitated forty six lifesaving transplants!
Thirty six of these transplants were sponsored by personalized Donor Pools as reported below. These generous friends of Ezer Mizion created a pool of potential donors by contributing $25,000 or more. It’s hard to imagine what they feel like receiving the news of the lives they have saved.
Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool – 9 lives saved
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a girl. This is the thirty ninth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the fortieth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
A service representative donated her stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the forty first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the forty second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the forty third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An interdisciplinary student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the forty fourth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a boy. This is the forty fifth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a boy. This is the forty sixth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
An aerospace industry employee donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the forty seventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ira & Ingeborg Rennert Donor Pool.
Alan Cohen Donor Pool – 4 lives saved
A data security professional donated his stem cells and saved the life of a teenaged girl. This is the thirty eighth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a young man. This is the thirty ninth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier who finished her service donated her stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the fortieth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
A biotechnology plant manager donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the forty first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Alan Cohen Donor Pool.
David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool – 3 lives saved
A student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the eleventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool.
A customer service provider donated her stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the twelfth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the thirteenth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Sarah Farajun Donor Pool.
Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool – 3 lives saved
A banker donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool.
A Rabbinical student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a girl. This is the second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool.
A health systems graduate donated her stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Maurice & Vivienne Wohl Philanthropic Foundation Donor Pool.
David & Judy Hager Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
A social worker donated her stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the tenth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Judy Hager Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the eleventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the David & Judy Hager Donor Pool.
Rebecca Matoff Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
A farming equipment salesman donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Rebecca Matoff Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a young woman. This is the second lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Rebecca Matoff Donor Pool.
Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool – 2 lives saved
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool.
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a young woman. This is the fourth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ronald O. Perelman Donor Pool.
Aloni Chetz Property & Investments Donor Pool
A computer systems analyst donated her stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the fourth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Aloni Chetz Property & Investments Donor Pool.
Boeing Company Donor Pool
An IDF soldier donated her stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Boeing Company Donor Pool.
Brazil Community Donor Pool
A computer worker donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the seventy third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Brazil Community Donor Pool.
Family of Anne & Isidore Falk Donor Pool
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the first lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Family of Anne & Isidore Falk Donor Pool.
Ofer Idan Donor Pool
A clothing importer donated his stem cells and saved the life of a woman. This is the fifth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Ofer Idan Donor Pool.
Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund Donor Pool
A construction worker donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the thirtieth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Jewish Bone Marrow Testing Fund Donor Pool.
Lev & Olga Leviev Donor Pool
A homemaker donated her stem cells and saved the life of a young woman. This is the third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Lev & Olga Leviev Donor Pool.
Mark & Feigi Marmurstein Donor Pool
An IDF soldier donated his stem cells and saved the life of a boy. This is the third lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Mark & Feigi Marmurstein Donor Pool.
Israel & Edith Pollak Donor Pool
A musical therapist donated her stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the sixth lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Israel & Edith Pollak Donor Pool.
George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool
A phychology student donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the twenty seventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the George & Pamela Rohr Donor Pool.
Safdie – Friedmann Donor Pool
A research assistant donated his stem cells and saved the life of a man. This is the seventh lifesaving transplant facilitated by the Safdie – Friedmann Donor Pool.