Over the last few months, I was privileged to become closely acquainted with the powerhouse of activity generated by the great chesed organization, “Ezer Mizion”.

Our family went through a difficult period of time, extending over the span of quite a few months, during which it was almost impossible for me to cook meals for my family.

This is where the amazing organization, “Ezer Mizion,” and their marvelous food distribution volunteers stepped in to help.  Every week, like clockwork, they sent to our home the finest of delicacies for Shabbos.

I cannot find sufficient words to describe the joy my children and I felt when each such delivery arrived at our door. We felt and tangibly sensed the love and devotion in the way the food was packed up – so hygienic and esthetic – and in the manner it was delivered to our home – discreetly, brought by precious volunteer drivers.

And to you, all the wonderful volunteer cooks, women of valor, may you be divinely blessed for the delicious food, salads, and baked goods, that were so clearly prepared with a loving hand.

You serve as a shining model for chesed that can be done from the house as well. People will surely learn from your example and follow in your footsteps.

May Hashem pay the well deserved reward of all those involved in this tremendous project!

