Dear Yonit,
I wanted to share with you and Ayala the tremendous excitement I felt yesterday upon reading Ya’arah teacher’s enthusiastic note. I am attaching a copy of what she wrote in the Parent-Teacher notebook.
Ever since Ya’arah received the VOCA computer, her time in school is filled with content – She participates in the lesson, copies words from the board and has even made remarkable progress coloring and writing thanks to her use of the electronic pen! To my surprise, she even prefers it over a touch screen. Use of the electronic pen has also improved her pencil grip.
All the bulky folders full of communication boards remain at home now, and instead, we send Ya’arah with her compact computer!
Amazing improvement has taken place in her general abilities as well. She can already read and write on the computer: Abba, Ima, Galit (her sister) Tami (her other sister), Saba, Savta and more.
All this in less than a month!
Thank you so much!
Yaniv F.