3-2-1 …Suddenly the air is filled with countless balloons soaring towards the heavens. A poignant scene that takes place every year at Ezer Mizion’s Summer Camp for Cancer Patients and their Families.

Children are given helium balloons and told to write their prayers on the balloon. The more mature, who understand too much, pray for health, for life. The younger ones, blessedly more innocent of their precarious health, pray that the hostages be freed, that Iran’s nuclear capability be destroyed or to be able to sit next to a special friend when school starts in a few weeks.
They put their all into those prayers, then hold tight to the string until the countdown. Suddenly with one heart, all the balloons symbolically begin making their way towards the Creator of the world accompanied by a heartfelt rendition of May this time be a time of mercy . May each prayer be answered for the ultimate good.

In addition to the disease itself, cancer takes a tremendous toll on the family structure. The mother, who is the glue that holds the family together, may spend her days at the hospital. It may be relatives and even strangers providing meals, doing homework with the kids, shopping for clothes before Yom Tov. The small things, which are really not small at all, like the hug that soothes a fall, the caring, listening ear when daughter arrives home from school in tears because her best friend played with someone else doing recess, the shared laughter…all nowhere to be seen in this home for months.
Camp provides an opportunity for the family to re-bond. The fears and worries recede as the family enjoys together the best in entertainment, exhilarating helicopter rides, games and fun fun, fun. Truly a vacation from cancer. It is the highlight of the year.
But this year was a challenge. With the fear of war pervading the country, each aspect of the program was questioned. And doubts arose regarding the camp itself. How can they have the camp this year? Yet how could they not? Back and forth key staff went into the homes of the g’dolim (religious leaders) for detailed advice. Under the guidance of the Eyes of the Jewish Nation, camp became a reality.
Craft stands: each participant invited to choose his favorite. A circus with every member of each family enthralled. Gifts that say we care. Treats to pamper those who so much need the TLC. Exciting activities for every age group. A performance by a popular entertainer. Delicious meals which, for some families were eaten together for the first time in months. And this was just the first day!
May this be the last year of Ezer Mizion’s Summer Camp. May Hashem soon wipe away our tears so that there will be no more need. Speedily and in our days.