While awareness of physical health challenges is popular and encouraged, the area of mental health often remains shrouded in a fog. Ezer Mizion has been working in recepr mental illness flowers 1542_ne_photo_stories1_98b2ant years to create a turnaround in this attitude.

Knowledge is strength, and the more we know about mental health issues , the more those who are struggling in this vital area can be helped.


A major Ezer Mizion project to promote mental health awareness is the public lecture series initiated in collaboration with Pa’amonei Tikvah – a non-profit organization dealing with mental health issues – and the Bnei Brak municipality.


Each lecture addresses a different issue faced by mental health professionals and family members of the mentally ill. The most recent lecture, at Ezer Mizion’s Jacob Fried national headquarters building in Bnei Brak, focused on the topic: “Facts and Myths about Mental Health Medication”.  Prescription bottles filled with colorful medications


The lecture, delivered by Dr. Sigmund Sankevitz, director of the Mental Health clinic at the Sheba Tel HaShomer Hospital, addressed such questions as: When is it advisable to administer mental health drugs? Can medicinal treatment improve the patient’s quality of life? How can we determine if a person is suffering from mental illness or merely has a character flaw that needs improvement?

The lecture event attracted a large audience, comprised of mental health professionals, families, as well as the general public. This enthusiastic response is indicative that the lectures are filling a clear community need. In addition to running the lecture series, Ezer Mizion’s Mental Health Rehab Division also offers counseling services and support groups to ;families of the mentally ill at no cost. pr mental illness flower MB900449094
